Unless the episodes are very regular, may cause your child to be sleepy during the day or your child is engaging in dangerous sleepwalking behaviors, there is generally no reason to treat sleepwalking. But if the sleepwalking is frequent, causing problems, or your child has not exceeded in the first years of adolescence, talk to your doctor. Also talk with your doctor if you fear that something might happen, such as reflux or difficulty breathing. For children who often sleep walk, doctors may recommend a treatment called scheduled awakening. This disrupts sleep cycle enough to help stop sleepwalking. Rarely the doctor may prescribe medication to help a baby sleep.
Other ways to help minimize sleepwalking episodes:
- Have your child relax at bedtime by listening to soft music or relaxation tapes.
- Establish a regular sleep and nap schedule and stick to it — both nighttime and wake-up time.
- Make your child's bedtime earlier. This can improve excessive sleepiness.
- Don't let kids drink a lot in the evening and be sure they go to the bathroom before going to bed. (A full bladder can contribute to sleepwalking.)
- Avoid caffeine near bedtime.
- Make sure your child's bedroom is quiet, cozy, and conducive to sleeping. Keep noise to a minimum while kids are trying to sleep (at bedtime and naptime).
The next time you encounter your nighttime wanderer, don't panic. Simply steer your child back to the safety and comfort of his or her bed.
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